I have gotten on here everyday .................. and I have nothing to blog. I can't come up with anything that seems even mildly entertaining. So I will go with the dull .............
We were driving down 96 the other day and saw a mailman who's vehicle was broken down. He was attempting to have it towed by the oldest, most run down Jeep Cherokee I have ever seen. Now don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no problem with run down vehicles especially Old Jeep Cherokee's (right Amanda ; ) ), but here is my question. HE IS THE MAILMAN!! So what, the government couldn't manage to toss a tow truck his way?!?! Now I'm sure someone out there has the logical answer to this that will make this post even duller ............. but I haven't come up with it. So comment it!
Nathan never fails to provide us with some entertainment, though I'm not sure where he got his golden sense of humor from. We were grocery shopping the other day and John was pushing the cart that Nathan was riding in. As they passed a woman in an aisle, Nathan leans out of the cart and shouts to her "watch out babe!"
What do you even say to that??? Ummmm ............. "Good job using your manners buddy. It was very thoughtful of you to watch out for her." WHERE DOES THIS KID COME UP WITH THIS STUFF???
4 years ago