The children were asked to bring in canned goods for the food bank for Vacation Bible School this year. We took the children to the grocery store and had them each pick out a few cans to give. Here is the conversation that occurred when it was time to pack them up for VBS:
Me: Let's get our cans together to take to VBS
Nathan: I don't want to
Me: You know how when you are hungry, you tell Mommy "I'm hungry"?
kids: yeah
Me: What does Mommy do?
kids: FEED US!!!
Me: That's right. But some families do not have enough food at their house and when those kids tell their mommies they are hungry, their mom and dad may not have enough food to give them. Their bellies stay hungry.
Kids: (looks of pure confusion and hurt)
Ava: They can have all my cans!! I don't want them to have hungry bellies EVER!
Nathan: Ok mom, They can have my beans, I don't like beans...... but not my corn.
Me: (hand on forehead) Nathan, God has blessed us and he wants us to give to others that are less fortunate.
Nathan: (with big eyes) They can have ALL the beans mom! Just not my corn.
By this point we really have to just get going and Nathan has gone to the pantry, put his corn away and gotten MORE beans. I guess this is something we need to continue to work on ;) I foresee us making a lot of donations to the food bank in the coming future in hopes to reiterate the concept of giving.
3 years ago