Saturday, April 11, 2009

Just say no to stickers!

I had a doctor’s appointment the other day and being that I tote my kids around just about everywhere with me, they of course came along. They were E X C E L L E N T, so good in fact that my doctor let them choose something from the toy chest and pick out stickers. GREAT! Since we were all the way out at blue Ridge Rd (don’t get me started, we have tricare), we of course had to stop and see Aunt Amanda at work. As we pulled in I caught a glimpse of Nathan in my rearview mirror ………….. he had placed his stickers over his ears like ear muffs. I chuckled, thought nothing of it and didn’t feel like a challenge so I left him alone with his earmuff stickers. He walked around the entire mall and went to lunch with those things. By the time we got to Grammie’s he was zonked (maybe it was the peace and quiet). Take a look. Remember, there is one on each side ………

Hahahaha ………… funny!! But oh wait, Nathan wakes up and we begin to realize that the stickers are NOT coming off. Though Grammie was able to loosen the edges a bit with some magical remedy, we still had no luck. At bath time we soaked and soaked and soaked and they started to peel off! Unfortunately the stickers actually separated from the glue and the glue was still attached to Nathan’s face. After more soaking this evening we are almost rid of all traces of the sticker crisis!

Did I mention that Nathan has a blue fleece blanket ....... after it combined with the glue on his face he was the cutest little blue bearded man :)